POKÉMON; an extensive collection of Pokémon cards, from sets including Chilling Reign, Sun & Shield, Fates Collide, Cosmic Eclipse, Shining Fates, Sword & Sheild, Darkness Ablaze, Vivid Voltage, Evolving Skies and others, presented in two Pokémon branded tins (2)
Sold for £40
POKÉMON; an extensive collection of Pokémon cards, from sets including Chilling Reign, Sun & Shield, Fates Collide, Cosmic Eclipse, Shining Fates, Sword & Sheild, Darkness Ablaze, Vivid Voltage, Evolving Skies and others, presented in two Pokémon branded tins (2)
The cards are mostly from the 2020's, card sets have been added to the description.
Buyers and prospective Buyers are deemed to have satisfied themselves before bidding by inspection or otherwise as to (but not limited to) the physical condition (including defects) of the Lot and its description in the Catalogue. Buyers and prospective Buyers should note the provisions of General Conditions 2.4 and 2.5 in relation to descriptions of the Lot in the Catalogue.
All gemstones are sold as synthetic/treated unless stated otherwise in the description.
See the full Terms & Conditions of sale and ensure you have read and understood them before proceeding to buy at auction.
Auction: Timed Online Auction - The Stock of a Manchester Toy & Model Shop (Pt 1) - Macclesfield, ending 1st Dec, 2024
Proper preparation ensures a smooth bidding experience.
By appointment only, please contact:
The Cheshire Saleroom
Withyfold Drive
SK10 2BD
01625 431788